Our Creative Cupcake class was attended by 10 talented and very creative minded ladies, namely Noriza, Shahrom, Molly, Yulia, Marina, Zanariah, Kak Mah, Teoh Ling Ling, Niza and Nana. They were taught to make our easy peasy ultra moist chocolate cupcakes and very yummy and less sweet/shortening buttercream. This buttercream is very versatile and can be enhanced with any fruit puree/filling to make it not only tasty but also healthy.... I made some research (and experiments) to come up with a buttercream which is not loaded in trans fat and icing sugar. I always feel guilty when I see people, expecially young children eating the frosting on their cakes as these frosting or icing is loaded with artery clogging shortening and icing sugar which rises the blood sugar. As a health conscious person, I always tend to shy away from cakes and pastries which are loaded with trans fat and sickly sweet sugar. Sometimes I make alterations in my recipes to make them healthy so that we can indulge in desserts without worrying about the calories.
I must also convey my heartfelt thanks to Noriza, Shahrom, Kak Mah, Marina, Zanariah, Yulia and Molly for their continuous support.I feel happy and contend when my students return for more classes as it shows their unyielding trust & faith that they have for my teaching. For these reasons, I will perodically upgrade my knowledge in baking and decorating so that I can give the best for my students.

missing in this class pictures are Shahrom, Nana & Niza who were busy packing their cupcakes.